Stacy Vajta, Doll Maker

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I’m Stacy Vajta, a spirit-guided healing artist. I create art as an extension of my curiosity and desire to grow. Always, there is a healing story to be told.

I make healing spirit dolls through the methodical practice of needle felting which I further embellish with clay, talismans, and things found in nature. These whimsical dolls tell stories of empowerment, invite people to feel their connection between spirit and matter, and have resonated far and wide, speaking powerfully to people’s hearts. 

This intuitive and artful way of exploring my life has become the heart of my work: facilitating workshops for women seeking their own creative insights. Encouraging women to go within and explore and create is soulful work. Through my guided workshops, I get to help others listen to and trust their inner wisdom and find their way. 

I was a maker from childhood, always drawing and later in my twenties making jewelry or personal, sacred art. With a master’s degree in counseling, my art grew into a way of understanding my inner world, my challenges, and who I was becoming. Mask-making became a healing process and a path forward to face my own spiritual awakening.

I moved to Asheville from the San Francisco Bay Area in 2014. I live with my two cats and a dog who all love to play with wool as much as I do. The mountains called me here, and I am forever grateful for this creative path.

You can learn more about me, my work, and future workshops at